Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

Realizing Anti-Corruption Education

                Ladies and gentlemen, as we have known, that in our country Indonesia, Corruption has been being like a culture. Maybe every person in this country do corruption. Especially they who are being in parlemen. Every time, every second, every minute, Indonesian people always hear the news about arresting the corruptor. This condition of course, makes us bored. There have been many corruption cases arisen, but the handling is always same. KPK as the anti-corruption commission, can not work their job well. There are many intrigues  around KPK’s functionaries. Either from inside commission or from outside it. Example from inside like, the intrigues between the chief of KPK itself, although they have denied this issue.  From outside like, KPK authority deflation. The members of legislature is always trying to weaken the power of KPK. The one way is revising the laws of corruption (Tipikor) and others. Also, KPK just could arrest little corruptor, they never be able to uncover the big boss.

            Ladies and gentlemen, do you know soap operas ? in Indonesia we mention it “sinetron”. Soap opera in Indonesia has a consistent pattern. I will give you examples, the actress in sinetron mostly ever pregnant, this is the first consistent pattern of sinetron. Second, talking in mind and usually there is an addition sound effects. Ya, this is the parts of consistent pattern of sinetron in Indonesia. So, what is the relation between sinetron and KPK as an anti-corruption commission ?

            Ladies and gentlemen, some times ago, the chief of Indonesian legislature, Marzuki Alie, convey his idea to disband KPK. Honestly, I agree with his idea, but of course not for this time. Why do I agree with his idea ? look this, because of KPK everyday in our televisions, magazines, internet and in other medias full of corruption news. Of course it makes us bored, very bored indeed. And do you know the pattern made by KPK when the case is arisen ? just like soap opera ! Listen this, the first come up one name with his corruption case. Second is determination of suspect. Third, usually but, always the suspect fled to abroad. The favorite country is Singapore and Thailand. Fourth, KPK cooperate with Polri and Interpol to arrest him/her. Five, the suspect could be arrested and brought to Indonesia. In court session, the suspect always or mostly said, “I forget” or “I don’t know him”. And also, the information which is given by one witness to other witnesses is contradiction, very very contradiction. After all, the final decision made by Judge is so far from the demand. So, my conclusion is, Break KPK up. Disband KPK, because they make corruption cases just like a soap operas. Which can be memorized easily.

                So, how to make Indonesia clean from corruption ? the answer is come from minister of education and culture, M Nuh. He conveys an idea to put anti-corruption education in school curriculum starting from this July. From this subject, the student will understand about  the values of honesty, so they will not be tempted to do corruption when they have been minister, because they have known about that from their child. I am sure this subject will be useful for our country in next ages. As you know, children in their child is mostly say, “My teacher said …..” so, Anti-corruption education is needed to be given to child. But, this subject will never be success if there is no any participation from public. And government does not really explain about corruption practice and they cover up corruption case. It means there is no openness from above to nether. If there is no any openness about corruption cases, there is no any participation from public, if there is no participation from public, government’s power will be absolute. If the power is absolute, what Lord Acton said will come true, he said, “Power tends to corrupt, absolut power corrupt absolutly.”

5 komentar:

  1. im lazy to read all about this.. becoz these all sentences are annoying :D
    of course makes me annoyed becoz of the corruption.. bored too :D
    but, i prefer like to watch sinetron as well as i can :D
